About Me

How long have you been doing what you do, and how did you become a Native American psychic and spiritual mentor?
To answer this question, it’s probably best that I share with you a defining moment, and a resulting “compelling story”, that brought me to where I am today – guiding people like you on exactly what to do to reclaim their worthiness, confidence; reconnect themselves with their heart and live the life they are here to live powerfully, peacefully and with joy.
That defining moment in my life happened in 2004.
A few months prior, I was going to college to study education. I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. But at that time, I was a party girl. I met my boyfriend at a bar. When I saw him walk in the room, I knew we would be together – not forever – but I knew he’d change my life.
Ever since I was a kid, I could see things before they happened. At five years old, I first met my spirit guide. Later I would learn the words “clairaudient and clairvoyant,” but as a kid, all I knew was that I could see dead people and hear voices.
It scared my mom, who was a closet clairvoyant and hid her gifts. At 11 years old, they brought in a medicine man to clear the spirits in my room, and I told those spirits to leave and shut down my natural gifts.
So when I saw that I would be with this guy, but not forever, it just felt right. We lived nine hours away from each other, and after a one-month whirlwind romance, I quit school and moved to Montreal to be with him.
Three months in, he hit me. I was in shock. Little by little, he would screw with my mind and tear me down. He distanced me from my family and friends, convinced me to dye my hair blond, to dress nicer to be this or that. And then he would deny all of it.
Eventually, I convinced him to let me go back to school. I also started to work at a women’s shelter – not yet even understanding that I was in an abusive relationship. I had to pay him rent every month, buy my own groceries; he never paid for anything.
As I became more educated, he became more insecure. He would tell me that I would never find anyone better than him and say things to me like “who do you think you are” when I questioned his drinking.
Hiding the bruises on my face, neck, and body became my morning ritual before I went to school, work and tutoring.
One morning my writing tutor innocently touched my shoulder with concern and told me I looked skinny and didn’t look good. She asked me what was really going on and that I seemed scared all the time.
The words and tears poured out as I spilled it all.
She said, “you need to get out.”
How could she see what I couldn’t? Her words felt right, but I couldn’t wrap myself around the idea of leaving.
Later that month, I met with a medicine man. He told me: “you need to leave.”
The final straw was when my dad came to visit. I told him everything. He looked at me and said: “You need to leave.”
All I kept saying to myself was: “How did my life end up like this?! How did I end up at 30 years old, covered in bruises, in an abusive relationship and somehow ok nearly being cheated on, nearly broke, feeling numb and broken? How will I ever break free and start over? How will I ever recover from this and get back to being the strong, independent woman who speaks her mind – the girl I once was?!?”
I knew I was at a spiritual crossroads in my life. I decided to create a drastic positive change: to become a teacher. I made an escape plan to change. It all started with listening to my soul and taking off layers of pain one by one. At my part-time job, I normally advised native women to make an escape plan for themselves before ending a toxic relationship. Here, I was, planning my safe getaway from his world. Behind this controlling man’s back, I spoke to my supervisor and gave her my one-month notice letting her know the truth of my secret life with this man. She supported my decision and said that I could return in the Fall and helped me with my getaway. My next steps were very calculated and planned carefully.
Only on the last night, I packed my personal belongings and put them in garbage bags and boxes. That really symbolized my identity back then – I was dispensable.
In May, I secretly applied for an administrative assistant position at my Native Community and aced the phone interview while doing my part-time position.
I made sure I kept my usual routine. I gradually picked up extra hours at the shelter so, I could get any extra money to pay for my trip home, food, and a hotel just in case he caught on too quickly. Finally, he noticed the boxes the day before I left his house and begged me to stay. My body was completed numb. I told him that I wasn’t happy at this point. The semester was completed so, I packed my car and drove 9 hours to Gesgapegiag. I honestly felt so FREE and ALIVE – I cried happy tears – felt as though I was released from prison. However, some of my belongings stayed at his house.
My sober life began when I surrendered completely. After drinking steadily for a year, I realized I had a drinking problem. The train wreck ended with withdrawing from alcohol poisoning I suffered from 4 days of straight drinking. The upside as it turned out to be a calling to teach elementary and middle school. However, I had to graduate and refocus on my academic life and my well-being.
I returned to Lennoxville to live in a tiny one-bedroom apartment then, I finally moved to a quiet one-bedroom apartment. I switched my major to Fine Arts and English. However, I had to become sober. Suffice it to say, I gathered the courage to retrieve my personal belongings, sever ties with dramatic friends, walk away from my job in Montreal, and say goodbye to Montreal. It was like ripping a Band-Aid off fast. I refocused to a quieter life of academia. No more self-bashing. I removed the toxic friends completely.
My life dramatically changed when I refocused on teaching. It was a game-changer. I dove into improving my writing, making new friends, and obtaining my teaching degree. My ambition increased so, did my GPA. Long after, I decided to let go of my past. My car represented my old life with my ex so, I planned that event out. I couldn’t pay for my car so, I left in my mother’s yard and called GMC to pick it up. Yup, my car got repossessed. I felt like a big failure. There’s always a silver lining in every story. A week later, UNB accepted me into the teaching program. My summer was filled with juggling three jobs and sleeping. I saved $7000 by August and my mother drove me to find a new apartment in Fredericton, N.B. where I spent 2 years rebuilding my life. Finally, I graduated with a nice fancy degree.
Near graduation, I got into a loving relationship with a high school friend. I began to read successfully for others and shortly returned to Gesgapegiag to teach for 11 years.
My love for unconventional teaching led me to leave the education field altogether. In those 11 years as a traditional teacher and consultant, I realized that, after running my business online for 7 years, many of my clients would want to know more about how to develop their own gifts and grow more on a soul level. I also met a spiritual mentor who helped me with the confidence to trust my gifts and step into it fully. This led me to mentoring spiritual women from home. Today, I work at home mentoring women to build their own spiritual practice so, they can do the same.
I cleaned up my past and started teaching women who want to reconnect to their own guides, their hearts, and their innate gifts how they can do the same: I watched their true selves come back to life, their sense of boundaries and self-love and confidence soar. I have since made a commitment to dedicate the rest of my professional life to helping other women step back into who they are, strong, independent and confident and live a life of FREEDOM to create the life and relationships they’ve always dreamed of.
Since then, I’ve worked with many private clients, spoken in front of countless groups: I lived my dream of traveling to Punta Cana and earning an income while I travel with my online business. I have created “Deeply Intuitive: Unleash Your Gifts to Saving Time, Money, Confidence, and Connect to Your Guides” in 90 days, a series of 10 important inner and outer spirit and soul recovery and reconnection steps every intuitive woman needs to apply to get out of her own way and forever speak up freely, be confidently visible and live a life of joy better than she ever imagined.
Who are your clients?
I work with people just like you who are holistic teachers, energy workers, Tarot Card Readers, Cultural Teachers, teacher assistants, Reiki Masters, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, who are just beginning to build on their intuitive muscles. However, they have never been taught exactly how to connect to their gifts and guides and to speak their mind.
- Coaches
- Mentors
- Consultants
- Reiki Masters
- New Psychics
- Wellness Consultants
- Massage Therapists
- Holistic Practitioners
- Natural Born Teachers
- Image Consultants
- Artists
- Bankers
- Creative and Spiritual Entrepreneurs
- Native American Solopreneurs on a Mission
What makes you different from other “spiritual mentors?”
Although we will touch upon time management and other “spiritual mentor-y” things, you have me as a Native American Psychic and Spiritual Mentor. I work on the inner and outer principals for spiritual growth and look at your spiritual practice and your ability to connect with your gifts and guides results from an organic and spiritual perspective. What that means to you is that you get a wise-sage-meets-kick-butt authentic spiritual mentor and psychic. I’m also very spiritual, and I don’t pretend to hide it neither. Because I’m not delicate, you’ll always get a straight to the point quick and honest response from me.
I’m concerned with how to get your connection to your gifts and guides in FAST – you may not like what I have to tell you – but you can be sure I will always tell you the truth. The truth about what’s standing in the way of your success and how to get rid of it FAST, so you start getting results in record time (and I throw in a bit of grey wolf wisdom and teaching which always helps!)
What type of personality do you work best with and what is expected of me?
The “Deeply Intuitive: Unleash Your Gifts and Connect to Your Guide” workshops, products and programs were created for people who are absolutely excited and dead serious about important inner and outer spirit and soul recovery and reconnection steps every intuitive woman needs to apply to get out of her own way and forever speak up freely, be confidently visible and live a life of joy better than she ever imagined. This means not running around all day long, beating yourself up anymore saying: “I’m overthinking, I’m not feeling my true self, I don’t know who I am anymore, or not knowing who their guide is or their gifts.” They were created for you to put systems in place within a few months (sometimes weeks!), which will eventually lead you to gaining more confidence, create new standards for yourself, truly love the version of your true self that shows up to life, connect with your intuition, your gifts and guides, and understand how your soul is awakening and developing. That’s what I call DEEP HEALING!
Being an action-oriented and spiritual woman, I’m known to work best with other action-oriented spiritual women, people who are committed to their spiritual growth, no matter what, and who are super-ready to get going and just want to know exactly what steps to take to find their true selves, their gifts and guides, and recover their soul. My clients often tell me – “just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it!” Consider what you’ll do with me to be a high-octane crash course on everything you need to know to succeed in connecting with your gifts and guides and recover your intuition and your soul. You will be expected to take serious and consistent action. No excuses anymore, just a very different way of thinking and full support while you achieve this incredibly exciting goal: to connect gifts and your guide and to see him or her consistently and speak your mind.
For what type of professionals are your programs NOT going to work?
Please know I’m very selective in who I work with, and I cherry-pick my clients, choosing to (gently turn away people who aren’t suited for my programs and won’t get results for which they have signed up for. (It wouldn’t be fair to them.) The “Deeply Intuitive: Unleash Your Gifts and Connect to Your Guides” programs are NOT for those who have no money coming in and are absolutely, financially desperate, at least not right away. It’s been my experience that people in financial crisis do not trust the recommendations I give them and do not do the work (probably because they spend so much time worrying about where they are going to get next month’s rent check or mortgage payment.) If you fall within this category, it’s absolutely OK. We’ve all been in times of financial crisis at one point or another. Do yourself (3) favors:
- Get some money coming in with a full-time or part-time job at the very least, and then call me. This will take the edge off and provide a little peace of mind. Mostly, it will de-clutter your mind enough to focus on your “The Deeply Intuitive: Unleash Your Gifts and Connect to Your Guides” assignments and the BIG picture. Once you start seeing the clients come in regularly as a result of our work, you can then start reducing the hours you work at that other job and focus on your own practice.
- Sign up for the free top ten guide checklist and guided meditation over email {Click here to Subscribe}. The free information will get you started towards your goals until you’re ready to work with me one-on-one.
- Make a point to read the “free top ten guide checklist and guided meditation weekly tip in my newsletter. The tips are sent over weekly and will give you LOTS to think about.
- To gain more clarity and confidence in knowing your gifts and guides, join my FREE private Facebook group- Deeply Intuitive – here: bit.ly/deeplyintuitive
Doing these three things will help you get primed for our work. When you’re ready, call me and we’ll get you started. (I’m in no rush and will be here when you need me.) Other types of personalities I won’t work with (without exception) are the whiners or the chronic skeptic, as well as individuals who consistently make excuses people for not getting their assignments done or challenging every aspect of the program. If you are one of these people, I gently and respectfully ask that you not call, and I hope you understand why. We’ll probably just not work well together, and I wouldn’t want you to waste your time, energy, or money. Is that fair?
What exactly is the Deeply Intuitive System, and what does it include?
“Deeply Intuitive: Unleash Your Gifts and Connect to Your Guides” begins with grounding your body to be a better intuitive receiver, having healthier boundaries, honing your innate gifts, staying in your own lane, creating powerful connections with others and your guides.
Here’s what the System gets you to do:
- Get Your Soul Back: First, you will discover how to focus on your own soul and to stay in your own energy. I’ll help you recover your own soul through short Native American morning rituals, breathing exercises, and activities that recover your soul.
- Speak Your Mind: Know your True YES and NO. Envision your dreams come to life when you STOP shapeshifting, belittling your self, and bending your rebel self to fit in the everyone’s “box.” Take action, say and mean your soul’s voice and raise your standards and boundaries.
- Shaping Gifts: Breaking through your limiting beliefs, subconscious blocks, and shape intuitive gifts.
- Connect with Your Gifts: Open the world of the guides, start sensing your gifts and interpret the messages you’re meant to on a soul level.
- Connect to the Spirit Realm: I’ll help you with connecting with the higher realms through the eyes of a shaman. I’ll guide to the horizontal and vertical dimensions, how to open and close the portal and keep you grounded.
- Intuitive Confidence: Sever ties with old stories, let go of second-hand opinions and trust your heart. Learn intuitive techniques to help clear lower vibration, remove the negative inner self-talk, and trust the tools they work with.
- Transform: Reprogram your mindset and more eager about living an intuitive life.
- Stable Routine: You will implement and take consistent action and have a stable plan. Learn to set up a balanced spiritual practice.
- Release inner resistance: Being open to a new mindset and being in the vibration of joy and abundance. Stop spinning in circles, feeling stuck, overthinking, overdoing, overspending. I’ll teach you proven techniques to breakthrough your ego, fear, anxiety, feeling small, low self-esteem so, you can start taking action in your spiritual practice.
- Finally, you trust the messages you deliver with the help of your guides and identify with the Deep Intuitive within.
Yes! The result of our work is an approach to shifting your mindset and beliefs about yourself, your gifts, and your guides and speaking your mind FREELY.
{See Testimonials}
You can expect to:
- Have big breakthroughs and a-ha moments
- Meditate in short periods
- Creating new Standards for yourself, including boundaries so, you’re in charge of your life
- Fill your own well and learn to self-nurture
- Discover yourself and sets goals and reach them
- Feel empowered and excited about your soul’s journey
- Truly love the version of yourself that shows up to play this game called life
- Learn how to say the creative NO and honor your true yes and no
- Connect with your intuition and speaking your mind
- Understand how your soul is awakening and developing
- How to see your relationships as mirrors and open channels for transformation
- Learn proven techniques for releasing your internal resistance and self-sabotaging tendencies, so you can take action and start connecting with your gifts and guides and interpreting messages
How can I see what it’s like to work with you?
Please go to Client Testimonials page and read all of them. See which ones you feel drawn to, either because the person has gotten the results you want to get too, or perhaps because that person is in a similar situation.
What results can I expect?
- Have big breakthroughs and a-ha moments
- Meditate in short periods
- Creating new Standards for yourself, including boundaries so, you’re in charge of your life
- Fill your own well and learn to self-nurture
- Discover yourself and sets goals and reach them
- Feel empowered and excited about your soul’s journey
- Truly love the version of yourself that shows up to play this game called life
- Learn how to say the creative NO and honor your true yes and no
- Connect with your intuition and speaking your mind
- Understand how your soul is awakening and developing
- How to see your relationships as mirrors and open channels for transformation
- Learn proven techniques for releasing your internal resistance and self-sabotaging tendencies, so you can take action and start connecting with your gifts and guides and interpreting messages
How quickly can I expect results?
That depends on how quickly you can make those inner shifts. Some clients are ready to go and connect to their gifts and guides in a very short time frame, sometimes even a few weeks while others have a bit more work to do first. It also depends on how far along you are in your spiritual growth, your innate psychic gifts, and your training as a psychic.
How can I guarantee myself that I will get more connected and tuned in, in record time?
Do all of your homework. Be totally committed to your success. Understand that this is a process, a proven one, that works if you take action and implement all of the steps. All my clients who have diligently applied every step of “Deeply Intuitive: Unleash Your Gifts and Connect to Your Guides” have successfully connected to their intuition and guides, in much less time than they would have on their own AND have stopped hiding their true psychic selves to their families and to the world.
Trisha, based on everything I’ve read and heard about you, I know you’re the one I want to learn from. What are my options for getting started with you?
Congratulations on making a decision for success! I’m happy to work with you to achieve your business goals… The best way to work with me is in my 90-day “Deeply Intuitive: Unleash Your Gifts and Connect to Your Guides.” Here are some of the results you can expect…
- Have big breakthroughs and a-ha moments
- Meditate in short periods
- Creating new Standards for yourself, including boundaries so, you’re in charge of your life
- Fill your own well and learn to self-nurture
- Discover yourself and sets goals and reach them
- Feel empowered and excited about your soul’s journey
- Truly love the version of yourself that shows up to play this game called life
- Learn how to say the creative NO and honor your true yes and no
- Connect with your intuition and speaking your mind
- Understand how your soul is awakening and developing
- How to see your relationships as mirrors and open channels for transformation
- Learn proven techniques for releasing your internal resistance and self-sabotaging tendencies, so you can take action and start connecting with your gifts and guides and interpreting messages
OK, I’m ready to do this for myself, but I have a couple of additional questions. Can I call you?
Good, sounds like you’re ready to be pulled into your future! Yes, if you have a couple of questions, just email me at trishalcondo@gmail.com or call us directly at 418-392-1918
And I’ll be happy to walk you through the different options to see which one will be the very best for you. I can’t wait to see you succeed and am honored to be the one to help you. Let’s get going!
Trisha Condo
# of clients I read
# of countries I lived in
# of spirit guides I have
% of time spent in quiet solitude
Contact Me
More Info
Address: 14 Lentug Road
Gesgapegiag, Quebec G0C-1Y1
Phone: unlisted